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Summer is winding down and we have to begin to focus on the colder weather and winter activities.

 We had a number of good things happening in our offices this summer. Our interns were very helpful in developing a database of oncology doctors. Another intern did research on the state of Black women’s health in Philadelphia. And there were several interns in our SisterReach office who developed assessment tools and survey instruments. We added a staff position in the Sisters In Touch program. We received increased funding from the Philadelphia Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. This will be very instrumental in allowing us to reach out to more Black women who are faced with the challenge of breast cancer. Lastly, we had an inservice by Women Organized Against Rape on rape and sexual assault. This inservice was to help staff understand the incidence of rape and sexual assault and how it is treated by the judicial system.

 We are looking forward to the new things we will be doing this year. We are putting together a committee to start to work on a strategic plan. This will help guide where we are going and how we will get there. We are strengthening our board by adding new members to meet our complement of 18 as specified in our by-laws.

 Our first spirituality workshop will be held in the fall. We have a wonderful artist who will lead the workshop in mixed-media journaling. We have found that journaling is fun, therapeutic and healing. Plans are underway. Space and materials will be limited to 20 women. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please give our office a call to reserve your spot.

 We have finished the Black Women’s Wellness Study and are awaiting the results. In the meantime, we are planning to start a weight management self-help group in the winter. This group will primarily address issues of weight and its impact on our health. If there ever was a time when we could eat what we wanted, when we wanted, that time has passed – especially if we are concerned about maintaining good health. Stay tuned to the website to find out when this will be starting.

 We will hold our second annual World AIDS Day event on Monday, December 1, 2003. We will be resuming publication of our quarterly newsletter. Look for the first one in late September.

 Start getting ready for the cooler weather. As we move into the fall, remember that the mornings are oftentimes cool and it gets warmer as it gets later in the day. Layer your clothing so that when you go out for that healthy lunch you won’t be too warm. Get some outside exercise while it’s not too hot. Bicycling, rollerblading and walking are good ways to stay in shape and are also good cardiovascular exercises. Don’t forget the inner you. On those weekend mornings, take it easy with a nice cup of hot tea, the morning paper and relax a while before starting your day. But, most of all, whatever it takes to keep you healthy mentally, physically and spiritually, do it.


Karen Fitchette-Gordon

Executive Director





Hot Topic:

Are you gaining control of your weight?

 Visit www.eatright.org



Hot Tips:

Watch what you’re putting on your salad. We all think salads are healthy, but if you are using high fat or high cholesterol toppings, the salad may not be as healthy as you think. Also, the darker the are greens the more nutritious.



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